Sunday, July 12, 2009

What This Is All About and What You Can Expect

I now believe that the time for me to get after it with this blog is at hand and I really need to explain why I am doing this.

My son, JD, earlier left on the plane to head back to Indiana for home and work today and he has been encouraging me to start this blog for several years. He and the other members of my family have had to listen to my yapper for years and I believe that JD just wants to share with the world this little bit of what he has had a lot of.

For my part, I have reached the age where I have regrets. As far as my life is concerned, my die has already been cast. I have always had a desire to keep a journal and I regret that I never did so. This may act as a correction. We'll see.

Now following here are my some of my guidelines that I will be applying to myself and to my writing:

  • I will blog on what interests me and I suspect nothing further. It takes time to do this and I can't imagine writing about things that I would consider mundane or trivial. So expect high-minded or at least as high-minded as a redneck hillbilly can conceive of or think about.
  • Since I believe that the news that we get is highly filtered, I will search for what I think is interesting and I will opine on that subject. I may even have opinions about the filtering itself.
  • I may be wrong. Could happen. Doesn't happen much, but be rest assured that I do not in any way believe in defending the indefensible. But also be rest assured that if I believe I am right then expect that I will be a majority of one. Society and the popular culture has an ever expanding population of dumbasses and I don't intend to join that club. You can if you want, but count me out.
  • If you noticed the last point, you saw that I said something that someone may consider dirty language. I am an adult. I am assuming that you are, too. I consider myself a South Park Conservative which means that I am mostly a libertarian with a few exceptions and several Jacksonian tendencies. In other words, I like my country including its historic flaws and language is nothing to be scared of.
  • I believe in American Exceptionalism and do not think it is jingoistic to believe so. We are all lucky to have been born here. Our form of government is only considered not the greatest except when compared to everything else.
  • Freedom in a Constitutional Republic is not pretty. But it works when we accept the part about all pigs being equal at Animal Farm, not when some pigs are more equal than others. Also remember that our constitution affords us the means to overcome tyranny in government.
  • I am a redneck. I am a product of the south. I love Texas. I am a veteran. Scotch-Irish is a term that I am familiar with and you will be, too, as I write about about what I believe to be true independence.
I need now to say the following about comments and commenting:
  • I have considered this for several days and I am allowing comments because I truly want to hear from the people who read this blog.
  • They will be moderated. There are lines that I have seen crossed at other sites and I just don't want them crossed. It is kind of like that saying, "I know pornography when I see it." Stay on this side of the pale; don't go beyond because I hope to have family and friends here.
  • I don't like total anonymity. I don't like anonymous sources in news articles and I want to avoid it here if possible. Just sign in.
  • Finally, do not ever say anything that can't be taken back or walked back from. Just free advice. As my kids say, "Another nugget of wisdom." I don't believe that I have ever meant to intentionally hurt anyone with my words, but on reflection I know that I have hurt others. Another regret that I personally have learned the hard way and I have suffered for it. And you will too. Do you think that John Kerry would not take back that statement about the "Army of Ghengis Khan" if he could?

Well, that is it for now. Please feel free to comment as I enjoy the give and take. I will try to update and post as often as possible. And, yes, I do like wikipedia.

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