Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What Is It About Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin yesterday penned an article on 'Cap and Trade" that appeared in the Washington Post.

Now this appears to be a surprise to some of her critics, but I don't see it as a surprise to me. What confounds me is that she brings out the most vociferous responses from both detractors and defenders with each word or action that she takes. To give you an idea, I usually check out the Memorandum website about twice each day. This site is a good site for political junkies in that you get an idea what the most looked at news stories are out there each day. The first time that I looked yesterday, there may have been about a half-dozen or so sites linking the piece. Take a gander now and you'll find close to fifty sites that are linking to the story. It is by far the most popular post of the day. All of those folks are writing for and against her.

Now, here is where I go from a penny to pound in opining about Sarah Palin. I like her. As a Project Manager and Operations Manager, I have had to make judgements on the performance of personnel and learned a long time ago to look for the performers. And Sarah Palin is a performer. I, along with several million other conservatives, watched with baited breath to see her acceptance speech and debate appearances and was truly impressed. She nailed them both. I did not know much about her prior to McCain picking her, but what little I had seen of her was positive. On the other hand, I believe that we have witnessed a travesty of pundits trying to assassinate her character like no other seen in the modern age. And everyone seems to have an opinion. Relatives that I trust hate her. That is the true paradox.

Now, since I don't worship any politician, I believe that I have an objective view of her and can admit that she has some flaws. I don't, however, think that her resigning her governorship was a flaw. If you believe in fighting (and I believe she does), then leaving your office to give your successor a leg-up in his upcoming election is understandable. But she has a trait that will eventually elevate her or destroy her; she does what she thinks is right. That does not fit the status quo opinion of clinging tenaciously to power and flies in the face of the political class -- How could anyone give up their seat without talking to the experts?

Which leads me to believe that her foxiness is not all in her looks. She has done this at a time when I believe that we have the most incompetent political class (politicians and pundits) that we have ever had. There is a disconnect between the rulers and the ruled where the rulers are making a determined effort not to notice. Border security, illogical economic policies, limitations on individual liberty and just old-time corrupt cronyism are just a few of the problems that the great unwashed are witnessing right now. It is hard to keep a straight face when watching the Sunday Shows because Sarah Palin ticks off the right people. And she scares them.

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