Thursday, July 9, 2009

Falling Down on the Job-- Fourth at the Lake

Well, here I am, falling down on the job. I told my Sister-In-Law, Janis, that I was going to try to post every day and I am running five days behind. So, I am getting around to writing about the Fourth of July at Grapevine Lake.

As usual, We started out late. We have an unwritten rule that we can't actually prepare for anything until two-minutes prior to when we are actually supposed to be there. We loaded up chairs, a coke-filled cooler, an electric fan and a mattress. We brought the fan because we had been told that there would be a generator. We brought the mattress because we are redneck hillbillies and we want to do our part to keeping the highways clean. Although the mattress did not actually fly out and land in the road, I want you to know that our heart was in the right place. We stopped and picked up food and ice and we were on the road.

It was a beautiful afternoon and evening for having a cookout and watching fireworks. My two Brother-In-Laws, Mike and Chris, did the cooking and had one of those canopy tents put up by the time that my bunch got there. Anyway, they found an excellent open spot by the water only two miles from the parking lot. My son, JD and I, hauled the chair, fan and cooler while my wife and daughter carried the food bags. I left the mattress in the bed of the truck and made a mental note to carry it higher in the wind on the way back. Hey folks, just living up to my label.

The Brother-In-Laws did a good job with the food. Most of the folks got into the water and took turns watching the little ones. The weather was hot with a good breeze and the breeze lasted well into the evening. That was good because I had not got the word on there not being a generator for the fan. Save for setting your chair in the wrong spot and getting bit by ants, there were no bugs to speak of.

Both of my kids, JD and Amanda, were with us and that obviously pleased both the Red-Headed Gal and me a great deal. JD took the fireworks picture with the camera on his I-Phone. From our spot, we could actually see the fireworks displays from three neighboring towns in addition to the one that we had at the lake. All in all, an excellent night in a fantastic country.

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