Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two Degrees Of Separation From Being Famous

I was reading this post on Althouse this morning where she had the following:

I never believe Presidents are actually reading the books their people tell us they're reading, so, for me, the only question is what they thought they were saying with these titles and why they thought it was a good idea to say that.

If you could pick a book for Obama to read — actually read — what book would you pick? If he could make you read a book of his choice, what do you think it would be? If you picked political books or history books or economics books, please pick again and be more out there so this late night discussion isn't too boring.
So being the once-successful construction manager who is now an out-of-work-deadbeat blogger that also think rules are for other people, I decided to post the following comment:

I'm not sure that the President, as well as many Americans, get what this "America" deal is all about. Therefore for this vacation, his reading should be a learning experience that could also be very entertaining. I recommend Sen. James Webb's "Born Fighting."

With this, the President may find clarity into the Scotch-Irish (redneck) mindset of the not too "Typical White Person." Here he will find out why Americans challenge authority, pioneer new frontiers, and eventually accept all who also adopt their mindset.

8/25/09 7:41 AM

And lo and behold I take a look at Instapundit who posted the following:
August 25, 2009
ANN ALTHOUSE: “If you could pick a book for Obama to read — actually read — what book would you pick?” It would have to be Amity Shlaes’ The Forgotten Man. Or, if that’s too obvious, James Scott’s Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed.

UPDATE: One of Althouse’s commenters recommends Sen. James Webb’s Born Fighting as explaining a side of America that Obama clearly doesn’t “get.”

Folks, I am that commenter. Your scribe of the Great Unwashed is within a gnat's-ass of being famous.

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